Implementation of Corrective Measures Related to the Anguilla Wastewater Treatment Plant
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority (VIWMA) have committed to an Administrative Order on Consent, which includes a plan of action to address certain conditions in one of the  sewer lines of the Anguilla Waste Water Treatment Plant.  The order on consent will improve the operation and maintenance measures undertaken by VIWMA at this sewer line, which will enhance the way that wastewater flows through the sewer line and could reduce hydrogen sulfide odors.
This Order on Consent focuses solely on operation and maintenance measures which VIWMA can implement to improve the conditions at the Anguilla sewer line, where the sewer manholes are located from which hydrogen sulfide emissions had been detected.
An application of ProComplianceWare would keep these problems in check.